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Don't forget the big picture for crypto investments: if you're under 30 and have money to invest, you're probably doing better than *most* people in your age bracket

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Some fast facts for you regarding wealth in the US:

  • Even if you have $0 in net worth (i.e. no savings/assets but also no debts -- or they cancel out in value), you're at least in the 28th percentile for net worth in the under-30 age bracket.
  • To be better off in terms of net worth than most households under 30 in the US (top half/50th+ percentile), you only need a net worth of $7500 or more.
  • See where you fall in your age bracket's distribution here:
    • FYI: Net worth is inclusive of all your assets and debts and savings and investments. So any equity you have paid off in your car or house, any credit card loans or college loans, etc.

Bottom line: most people are struggling ass these days. If you have the liquid capital to invest in crypto, you're probably doing better than most of the households of the United States. If you're making any reasonable gains whatsoever, you're probably doing better than many, many, many people. Hell, even if you've lost a good chunk, you still might be better off than most. And don't forget these are household statistics -- if you're single, your relative net worth against other individuals would be even higher.

Keep your losses in the bigger picture. Big losses can hurt, missed trade opportunities can sting, reading stories of people mooning on a coin or selling a wildly pricey NFT can draw envy -- but don't get distracted.

submitted by /u/cleisthenes-alpha
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