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The community's reaction to Elon's comments are WAY worse than anything Elon actually said

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I'm baffled that I have to even say this. You do NOT attack someone else's character, past accomplishments, intellect, and motivations because of a disagreement in technical opinion. Is he wrong? Yeah probably. Does that give you the right to be immature and start trolling and giving the entire community a bad rep? Absolutely not. Be better.

I do not understand why you're all SO sensitive and defensive, this is not what a healthy functioning community acts like. You guys ARE the reason that the general public sees this community through a bad lens.

If Elon says something stupid about Doge, you're reaction should NOT be any of the following:

"You're a moron"

"SpaceX and Tesla are shit companies etc"

"You're a fraud and didn't even work for any of your companies"

First of all, I hope it's clear that he actually IS smarter than virtually 99.99999999% of you. Second, belittling his actually impressive accomplishments just makes all of you look butthurt and resentful.

Disagree with him. Reply with LEGITIMATE technical reasons for why he's wrong (in your opinion). Don't go around taking shit about the dude's family.

Look back through all of Satoshi's comments back in the day. He never ONCE spoke this immaturely. He'd be absolutely ashamed.

submitted by /u/ZoomStonks
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