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Recently I dun f@#!ed up really stupidly. Get bigger brain from my mistake.

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So I converted some of my ADA to Tether on Kraken so I could then transfer it to my Metamask Wallet. That all went fine. I did this so that I could then use the Polygon bridge app to transfer said Tether to the Polygon chain.

First I set the amount of Tether to the max amount. Then I clicked Transfer. The usual notice about what's supported and what isn't popped up and I clicked continue. The gas fee estimate was around 45$. I clicked continue again. and then again to take me to the Metamask confirmation window.

This is where the mistakes started happening. I went in to edit the priority of my transfer. I put in the lowest Gaslimit, The lowest Max priority fee, and the lowest fee possible. I clicked save and then confirmed. This didn't work at all. I got an instant error and nothing went through. I tried this a couple of times. The same thing happened. Then I tried raising the numbers slightly. Then things started happening. Polygon transfer was processing. However, The transaction failed again. I thought ok well my transaction just wasn't accepted because my fee wasn't high enough to be accepted for the next block, I'll just try again with the same figures until I get accepted.

After five fails I googled to find out what I was doing wrong and I figured out it was my Gaslimit. OK, so I'll try again and won't change the Gaslimit, just the lowest Max priority fee, and the lowest fee possible. It worked! But where is my Tether? Why is it not on my Polygon Wallet? Oh ok, it can take up to 8 minutes. Nope still not there. It's still sitting on the Ethereum chain. No Idea why but it is.

While I was trying to find out what wasn't working I had noticed that my ether balance dropped. What I didn't realise is that every time my transactions failed due to the "out of Gas" error I was actually paying the Gas fee without my transaction going through. For some reason, my brain had the information that I would be reimbursed for the failed transactions. Nope!

Luckily it wasn't a huge amount but enough to turn a good day into a bad one. Plus I feel a very dumb.

Anyhow have a nice morning, evening, night or day for you folks on the other side of the world. Cheers!

submitted by /u/CarvilGraphics
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