News about Ethereum

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 3 years ago

What is BUSD - ethereum vs. binance?

My understanding is that BUSD can exist both as ERC20 and as BEP20, is this right? Whatever exchange it is at will always give you the option to withdraw it as one, or the other, or both? If one has an ERC20 and they are converting it to BEP20, is t...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

How Can I Contribute to the Ethereum Ecosystem?

I'm new to Ethereum, and have done solid amounts of research into it, but a majority of content that I see here is associated with stocks, trading, etc. While that is something I'm interested in, I'm determined to be in this space for the...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Staking Etheruem could lose your Ethereum?

I was thinking about staking all my ethereum on coinbase when I saw this in the terms and agreements, see below. I didnt know I could lose my ethereum I stake. So they want us to stake our ethereum to get a chance at getting 6% apr, with the possibil...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Safety of Ethereum at current prices + EIP-1559

Message to the mods: I don't wish this topic to be about mining or pricing, so I will keep it brief. I want this message to be about the security of Ethereum. As a miner, I noticed my profits drop some substantial 60% from the highs a few weeks a...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

How do I withdraw on the Ethereum 2.0 network

Hello, so I bought some Eth on Binance, and I try to withdraw it. Despite seeing that people are already staking their Eth, I still get these high gas fees to withdraw. Is it possible to get my withdraw validated by the people who have staked their E...