Bitcoin News / Bitcoin Stack Exchange - 8 years ago
transactions - Smart contracts in bitcoin - Bitcoin Stack Exchange
Bitcoin Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Bitcoin crypto-currency enthusiasts. It only takes a m...
Bitcoin News / Bitcoin Stack Exchange - 9 years ago
Is Ethereum essentially Bitcoin with a Turing-complete scripting language and, if I understand correctly, where the script to be executed (not its hash) is placed in the Ethereum blockchain?
That's a bit of a simplification, (Ethereum has other...
Bitcoin News / Bitcoin Stack Exchange - 9 years ago
To an extent yes. It's bad that mining pools are so big and fairly concentrated. Work is being done to try to alleviate this.
A few points limit the threat though:
The amount of harm miners can do is limited. They can't outright steal money, or cr...
Bitcoin News / Bitcoin Stack Exchange - 9 years ago
People say the total will be 21000000 BTC.
... however:
The 1st 210000 blocks each allow creating 50 BTC.
The 2nd 210000 blocks each allow creating 25 BTC.
The 3rd 210000 blocks each allow creating 12.5 BTC.
The 10th 210000 blocks each allow...
Bitcoin News / Bitcoin Stack Exchange - 9 years ago
transactions - What is meant by "relaxed standards" for P2SH redeem scripts in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0? - Bitcoin Stack Exchange
Bitcoin Stack Exchange is a question and answer site...