News about Ct

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 2 years ago

Having BTCST and its coins actively promoted on binance (launchpad) and pancakeswap. Is this the new form of rug pulling? Artificially pump up volume, get alot of attention of reputable sources, take in TVL, then throw in a 30% transaction fee in the cont

I've provided a couple of btcs worth of liquidity to the tbtc-btcb farm on pcs the past few months. In an attempt to soft rug, the devs have decided to retroactively enable a 30% fee when you stake and 30% fee when you swap/trade recently without...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 2 years ago

Collect & Win

Binance has again announced a new trade & collect and get rewarded in its activities section. I’ve always completed these activities but never received any reward, what about you? submitted by /u/j-u-s-t-f-o-r-u [link] [comm...