News about Debt

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 7 months ago

US Debt priced in Bitcoin

$32,964,000,000,000 USD of Federal debt. $26,600 current USD price of Bitcoin. Therefore current US debt is 1,239,000,000 Bitcoins. Max supply of Bitcoin is 21,000,000. So we need 59X of the max number of Bitcoins that will ever exist just to pay off...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 8 months ago

Pay Off Debt or Invest while in debt

Paying off debt before investing offers several crucial advantages. Firstly, it reduces your financial risk. High-interest debt, like credit card balances or loans, can erode your wealth faster than investments can grow. By eliminating debt, you free...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 8 months ago

Is low interest debt denominated in USD an asset?

Our whole lives traditional finance gurus always told us debt is bad and to stay out of debt. I realized, in reality, this is because they don't want you getting ahead faster than them. If you understand that purchasing power of USD goes down ove...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 8 months ago

US Government debt…

James Lavish, Lyn Alden and Luke Gromen talk about this a lot. The US debt clock shows the net interest on debt becoming increasingly significant as a proportion of tax revenue… by 2027 it is the single largest outgoing of the US government. F...