News about Hard Fork

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 month ago

Ethereum Decun upgrade hard fork questions

Hey everyone, I've been wondering about Ethereum's Decun upgrade - is it seen as a hard fork or just an upgrade? Last time we had a major switch from pow to pos, Ethereum PoW split off. Do you think we're heading for a similar situation w...

by COINS NEWS - 3 months ago

Cardano's Chang Hard Fork to Take Place in Early 2024

Chang hard fork is a pivotal aspect of the strategic roadmap, designed to kickstart the Cardano governance model's bootstrapping period. In a departure from traditional governance structures, the hard fork introduces a consensus mechanism that em...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

Why aren’t hard forks as common anymore?

In the early days of crypto, I was happily surprised when I received my first lump sum of “free money” in the form of BCH when Bitcoin did a hard fork. It seemed like several other projects also went through something similar when friends of mine ke...