News about Hedge

by COINS NEWS - 10 months ago

Crypto is our only hedge against tyranny

Love this quote in the article fits perfectly with all the attacks on crypto from the SEC ol Gary and Elizabeth Warren "We must protect it at all costs, not only from the bad actors that exploit it, but also from the forces that drive gove...

by COINS NEWS - 11 months ago

Tether made a 1.5 Billion profit in 3 months of Q1 alone, the most profitable business in the world on a per employee basis. Stablecoin firms make free money between the Fed, inflation and deals with exchanges and hedge funds

Almost all of us have heard of stablecoins. But the majority of us only know them for their simple description of being pegged to the dollar/Euro or some other major currency. But this is by far a gross simplification, as they have many interplays wi...