News about Posts

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

CCIP-069 - Sponsored Ad Posts

Situation/background: Everyone (without premium) has seen ads popping up on Reddit while scrolling. The initial idea was to let these ads burn moons per view, but it's uncertain that this will be implemented by the Reddit admins. That's why t...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

What does the community look for in quality OC posts?

Hi folks - since moons’ pump we’ve seen a lot of community members bemoaning a drop in content quality. So I was wondering - what sort of posts are we missing? What sort of topics do people want to see more of? I’m working on an OC boost with some...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

If most people would just ignore crypto influencers and shitcoins crypto space would be much better. For them even bad publicity is good thing, so even by making negative posts and comments you actually promote them.

Half of power all those shitcoins, memecoins, shills, scams and crypto influencers have is cause we, people that will never touch those things spend time and effort to actively talk about them, every new scam or shitcoin happen, every time some influ...

by COINS NEWS - 9 months ago

All these posts about HODL

All these posts about HODL These sneaky snakes keep saying don't hold, be smart and sell. But I'll tell you the real reason they're making these posts. They want you to sell your moons so they can buy in cheaper or so that you get less re...