News about Posts

by COINS NEWS - 9 months ago

Let the Is ThIs A bULlRuN?! posts begin.

It's that time of year where people try to be better, but can also become more greedy. It's like Christmas but randomly occurring. That feeling of being able to say "I told you so" to our loved ones, while everything seems festive a...

by COINS NEWS - 10 months ago

r/ledgerwallet is censoring and deleting negative posts

Just had my post removed minutes after posting it in r/ledgerwallet. They are aggressively limiting negative posts regarding this topic. They are not only not listening to their customers, now they are trying to quiet us. If you are as disappointment...

by COINS NEWS - 11 months ago

We need to be better about downvoting the scam posts

Bull season The market is heating up and I am already seeing the scam brigade out trying to sucker in new blood. I've seen these posts like "ENS giving out free .eth domains!" and it links to a page that instantly prompts you for a wall...