News about Quantum

More / Etherum Reddit - 10 months ago

Eth 2 BLS in post quantum world

I saw discussions on how Ethereum may migrate from ECDSA to some quantum proof DSA. Even though such DSA will be less efficient to verify, it will probably not be a deal breaker. What bothers me is what will happen with BLS sigs the beacon chain heav...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Ethereum encryption and quantum computing

Watched a short video earlier today on quantum computing and it's ability to break the encryption methods used today (not specifically Ethereum). The presenter made a note how we are not there yet (400 qbits is the current tech, need over a milli...

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

Quantum Threat to Cryptocurrencies Explained [SERIOUS]

I have seen a lot of comments from people who are aware that quantum computers pose an impending threat to most cryptos but they are confused or fuzzy about the details. This is to be expected, it is a complicated topic, to say the least. I wanted to...