News about Scams

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

Beware of the scams!

There is some kind of scam that is targeting Coinbase users going around. I got an email saying my account would be locked and I would lose my funds because "there is a second account with my information" on Coinbase. Whenever you get an em...

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

Beware of live youtube video scams

Hello everybody I just noticed a new trend (I mean new because I just noticed that now, but this is something that's happening since at least 2017 in cycles). There is some kind of "phishy" YouTube channels pretending to be Tesla, Binan...

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

Preventing Scams and Frauds, Is It Possible?

Hey everyone, as many of us know, Crypto faces some big barriers when it comes to onboarding new users. I wanted to focus on the typical fears of being scammed or hacked, unreliability, or that Crypto is “being used for criminal transactions” (Especi...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 2 years ago

One of the few "non-scams" here???

Relatively new to this subreddit but god damn is it full of scams. How do the mods let this pass? Feels like there are new scams every day in the industry. Lack of oversight from places like this is a major contributor. It makes it so much easier...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Recent Crypto Scams/Rug Pulls?

Rug pulls are a lucrative scam in which a crypto developer promotes a new project/token to investors, and then disappears with the money. The most epic one on record is OneCoin which rugged $4B. The most recent/ noteworthy one in my opinion is Squid...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

I’m Jennifer Morin Compliance Officer at CoinSmart, a crypto trading platform in Toronto. We are fully regulated and were granted restricted dealer registration with the OSC—AMA about fraud prevention and crypto scams.

Hi everyone, I am excited to be here engaging with this amazing r/CryptoCurrency community! To give you a quick run-down CoinSmart is a crypto trading platform based in Toronto, Canada, I have worked in the finance industry for the last 13 years befo...