News about Scams

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 2 years ago

Fiat currencies like the US Dollar or Turkish Lira are scams meant to rob the working class of their savings purchasing power to keep them working. Learn how the fiat currency scam works so you can understand why you need to opt out of saving fiat to stop

My parents let me pay a Nigerian prince $60 bucks for some parrot eggs when I was 13 to learn my lesson about scams. After that, the next scam I fell for was losing $70 bucks at a blackjack table in an Indian casino after I had turned 18, along with...

More / Etherum Reddit - 2 years ago


Until recently I always thought, “there is no way people fall for these Nigerian prince emails from years ago or fall for those fake phone calls for variety of reasons such as virus protection expiration”. But, this sub has shown me, yes, yes people...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

The common Crypto Scams

The Dusting AttackThis is a scam where you will receive very tiny amounts of crypto, also known as dust, to a lot of addresses. The criminals will watch these wallets that thye've sent the dust to, to see if they can de-anonymize the wallet owne...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

YSK about these common crypto scams

Hi everyone, especially newbies, welcome aboard! This is the wild west of crypto where so many things are out to get you. But fret not, knowledge is power, and being aware can help you stay away from scams. When I started out in this space, I had to...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Biggest crypto scams so far

Bitconnect – $3.45 billion stolen By far the biggest example of an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) scam is Bitconnect. Bitconnect proclaimed to be an open-source cryptocurrency that guaranteed investors 40 per cent returns. However, Bitconnect unfortun...