News about Trade

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 1 year ago

My remedy for being a degenerate trader

I have bought and sold Bitcoin several times in the past trying to time the price. Sometimes this has worked, other times it has not. I would have done better just buying and holding. Of course the answer is to DCA. But while I am not yet immune to t...

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

Just a warning if you're trying to trade on Opensea : People make 'collection offers' higher than the floor price for a collection, so you'll see what looks like a chance to flip something for a quick $10/$20 gain, but the transaction will fail if you try

So, I fell for this the other day. Was on opensea, looking at the insane prices some of the reddit avatars are going for. Got pretty sad because I could have made a few hundred dollars having invested <$40, but passed up the opportunity because I...