News about Voting

by COINS NEWS - 11 months ago

CCIP-060 - Amend CCIP-001 to address systemic downvoting

Issue Increasing popularity in Moons and activity on the sub has led to prolific cultural issues with downvoting. The downvoting is most visible on new posts and the daily, in some cases every comment on a post is voted into negative karma. This is o...

by COINS NEWS - 11 months ago

We need to be better about downvoting the scam posts

Bull season The market is heating up and I am already seeing the scam brigade out trying to sucker in new blood. I've seen these posts like "ENS giving out free .eth domains!" and it links to a page that instantly prompts you for a wall...

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

Heres an idea: lets use NFTs for voting systems.

I live in the United States and while watching a political show, elections came up. I remembered our mail in ballot drama and I have an idea. How about we use citizenship, passport numbers, social security to creat 1:1 unique NFTs per every citizen a...