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The $1.4mn lost in Matic's exploit could have been $20.2 bn.This is bad but The Core Developer's silence over the issue for almost a month is even worse!

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So Polygon's developers acknowledged the hit on Network on Dec.4,2021.Hackers swiped 801,601 Matic Tokens worth around $1.4mn

On Dec. 3,2021,A so called "white hat" hacker reported an exploit in a critical Polygon Smart Contract that held more than 9 bn Matic tokens worth around $20.2 bn.

The exploit which ended up costing $1.4mn could have been worth of $20 bn, which would have been a disaster for the network.

The most important part is, the silence of Polygon foundation, it's core developers for almost a month. The incident happened on 4th Dec, but they remained silent for almost a month and finally revealed it in the last days of the month.

After the exploit, Multiple validators expressed anger over this silence. The abrupt hard fork knocked multiple "unprepared" validators offline.

This can't be good for any network,this is just another incident pointing towards that even the best networks have problems in being fully decentralised. They found a quick way to deal with it via

Matic's co-founders decided to get rid off C-suite positions, "to make it more decentralized" The foundation quashed C-level roles like CEO, COO

This could be seen as a major disaster averted but the silence of the team is the worse thing, to hide such an important information for a month when billions are at stake.

Edit : Seems like lot of people are okay with how things went And acting like I did a crime by pointing out something. Guys, we can have a debate in a civil way Or is it a lot to ask?


submitted by /u/Acceptable_Novel8200
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