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The amount of Eth needed for a validator node should be dynamic

Etherum Reddit

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As an ethereum bull I am blown away by ethereum's recent growth, adoption, and piece action. And I look forward to eth 2.0. but shouldn't the ammount of eth needed for a validator node adjust depending on eth's price in order to help keep ethereum decentralized? Last summer if you wanted to stake your 32 eth for a validator node it would run you about $10k to $15k. Now at $4k per eth a validator is going to run you $128k and that price will surely go up if people keep fomoing into eth.

Now having staking pools is great but doesn't it make eth less decentralized? If we want average people like you and me (let's face it we're not average cause of how deep were into this internet money) shouldn't we have a fighting chance to set up our own nodes if we wanted to?

I just think that if the price of eth goes up less eth is needed to set up a node and if the price of eth goes down then more eth is nodes per node. And nodes that have more eth in them being stake get larger transaction rewards than the nodes with less eth in them.

Please I'm still learning, so let me know if this is viable or not. I just want to prevent large corporations from getting their hands on this decentralized network and pushing out the little guy just like how these corporations are buying up all the real estate making it even harder for the little guy to buy a house.

submitted by /u/OhhSoGood
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