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There are 22 new tokens created each day

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There are 22 new tokens created each day

\Edit - I'm aware that there are many, many more shitcoins in existence than this. I'm trying to size the "investible" market, and I think using CMC as a new project filter is reasonable.*

I saw this post today, claiming that there are "more than 100 new coins created everyday". That claim wasn't really the point of the user's post (more of a BTC maxi, it's impossible to research everything takeaway), but I knew that the estimate of new coins/day was massively overstated. So, I did some quick work and my findings are below.

CoinMarketCap has a pretty decent API, and its "map" call can return a list of every token listed by the site. There are 19,255 coins listed, and CMC has data on ~80% of them.

The table below is example of what the output looks like for each of the 15.4k entries that have data. The only data point I care about is "first_historical_data", which I'm using as a proxy for the genesis date of each token. You can see that the first data for BTC was entered in 2013, but BTC's genesis was way before that, so there was clearly some backfilling on CMC's end at the beginning. The data is much cleaner as time goes on.

In any case, I haven't seen a better way to find a comprehensive list of tokens, and I trust that this data is more accurate than not. So, let's see the results of "New Listings on CMC" by year:

We're averaging 22 new tokens per day in 2022, on pace for 8k total for the entire year. It's obviously still an outrageously large number to try to keep tabs on, and it's very unlikely that you'll find the next 100x coin, but the truth is actually about 1/5th of that OP's claim.

Also, I'm new here, so I'd appreciate any cred you could throw my way

submitted by /u/theDeFiHODLer
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