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Top organs to sell for crypto

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by COINS NEWS 234 Views

Want to buy the ETH dip but ran out of fiat? Ever wanted to FOMO into a 100x moonshot rugpull but ran out of money? Here is a list of organs you can trade for real world fiat. Who needs eyeballs anyway?

  • Pair of Eyeballs: $1,525 (that's 0.44 ETH)
  • Scalp: $607
  • Skull with Teeth: $1,200
  • Shoulder: $500 (almost 1 BNB)
  • Coronary Artery: $1,525
  • Heart: $119,000 (almost 3 BTC at the current market price)
  • Left Testicle: $1500
  • Right Testicle: $1503
  • Liver: $157,000
  • Hand and Forearm: $385
  • Pint of Blood: $337
  • Spleen: $508
  • Stomach: $508
  • Small Intestine: $2,519
  • Kidney: $262,000
  • Gallbladder: $1,219
  • Skin: $10 per square inch
submitted by /u/cupnoodledoodle
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