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Will crypto based real estate ever go mainstream?

All Cryptocurrencies

by COINS NEWS 110 Views

I posted a question about crypto based real estate in the main real estate subreddit a while ago and they were pretty against the concept (before it was taken down for being off topic). It's not surprising because most of Reddit hates crypto, but there was a thread about it on one of the other crypto subs recently and people on there were pretty critical about it too. It seems like the consensus is that crypto real estate is generally a bad idea at the moment.

I'm curious if people think it will ever get big, or if it's just trying to fit a square peg into a round hole and will never work. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm referring to companies like CitaDAO and Balcony DAO that want to focus on putting real estate transactions on chain and selling it as digital tokens.

submitted by /u/Ultitasker
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