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Additional Verification when buying Crypto?


Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance 134 Views

Additional Verification when buying Crypto?

Hi! So I am trying to buy USDT so that I can put in my Flexible Savings. But after I entered my card number and my billing address, an info pops up showing that I need Additional Verification from Bifinity (photo 1). When I click 'continue' it just shows me a loading window and then nothing happens and gets stuck (photo 2).

I tried it on my phone, entered everything again then the pop-up appears, clicked 'continue' then it continued until I'm at the process of taking a photo of my ID. But then again I'm stuck because the camera app is not opening automatically (photo 3).


I have already completed the two verifications (Normal Verification & Verification Plus).

I'm using Chrome (Desktop) and my Android phone.

I live in the UAE.

Edit: I need help and clarification if this is some kind of issue from the site/app itself or if I did something wrong?

Appreciate anyone's help and suggestions!

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

submitted by /u/sakura7793
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