
Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Binance froze my money

Good day all, here is the state of affairs as the most important change Binance froze my money. I need to switch cash to my Binance account on November 5, however I can't do it (exhibits error and asks to contact help), I wrote to help, and after...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Any alternative to binance?

I added my ID, Selfie, wrote my handle and even added a measurement of my dick with an image and still not fkin sufficient. What do you mean to take a picture of a doc as a proof of my tackle? submitted by /u/FukHedges [link] [c...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Failed withdrawals

I’ve had two failed withdrawals. There isn't a rationalization as to why. All my financial institution information is right. I would like my a refund. Your automated system doesn’t assist. Please help me submitted by /u/Repulsive_Concer...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Update about terminate account

I already informed customer help that i am going trip and i left that visa card at my mom residence so i cant attraction proper now…now they need to terminate my account coz i dont attraction in a fcking week?you guys fcking critical you guys suspand...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Trading temporarily disabled.

I want assistance on the best way to resolve this difficulty. I’m unsure why my account was briefly disabled but I want to have the ability to conduct trades on my account. I've contacted help but I am not getting any constructive reply in any...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Account restricted

Can anyone inform me why my account had been restricted. I cant purchase Bitcoin with gbp for some cause. That is what customer support has stated. .not useful at all. submitted by /u/moneyteam19 [link] [comments]