
Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

#CoinMarketCap x #Binance ?

#cryptonews: With a purpose to help Ukraine and never only, we along with #Binance are launching a drawing for 100.000 ETH and 500.000 BNB. We're very excited about state of affairs in Ukraine and need to help by organizing such contest #Coi...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

All my servers blocked by Binance API

20 minutes ago I acquired notification that each one my VPS servers are not capable of pattern Binance's market knowledge by way of their API. Geofencing is enforced even for read-only market sampling. No different trade geofences their read-only...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Any idea on this liquidation?

On Futures - Brief , i shorted BTC/USDT ; entry worth was 16500(ish) , and liq. worth was round 23okay i was trading on 5x leverage , solely to seek out out it was liquidated when btc only hit the 17okay mark tonight. im completely clueless and im on...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Have you heard of this project?

Purchased an NFT from Binance, and staking is going to cease, however cloud mining continues to be going! Have you heard of Metablox? They have been #1 In Binance in a day by day volume once they just started. submitted by /u/Kermit_Met...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

account can't be found

Hiya everybody, I don't understand how that's potential but my account litterally doesn't exist anymore. I'm on, I have my account since 2019, I don't use it a lot but I have a reasonably respectable sum of money on it...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

P2P appeal

So I yesterday I purchased usdt on P2P on binane, I transferred the money and waited for the seller to send me usdt, the vendor advised me that I blocked hit checking account, accused me of being a scammer and that I used some type of a bot to block...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Possible issues with SWIFT transfers

I want to ask if anybody had skilled any points with SWIFT transfers of USD ? I had several issues with the SEPA transfers so I don't belief them anymore but what concerning the SWIFT. I plan to do round $3k that’s why I want to make sure that every...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

I need someone to follow me

Please I ask the group if someone can comply with me to start out minting my NFTs... submitted by /u/vargaviella [link] [comments]