
by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Are We Still Early to Crypto? A Data-Backed Analysis

TL;DR: Crypto is beginning to mature, but there are still many opportunities for wealth creation in high-potential altcoins, DeFi, Yield Farming, and other niches we haven’t even heard of yet. - Are we still early to crypto? ​Last week, I stumb...

More / Etherum Reddit - 2 years ago

Did I fuck up?

When I was trying to withdraw my mining gains (around 35$) from ethermine to my Metamask, I chose L2 Polygon for lower fees. Then I initiated a transfer from Polygon to Mainnet using the Polygon website to have all my eth in the same place. Thing is...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 2 years ago

Taproot will activate in November

Hey guys! My node is at block 701,720 as I write this and taproot will activate @ 709,632. Will that bring some green to Bitcoin? Defi, more privacy, the first real upgrade since 4 years (or so). It shows that Bitcoin isn't immune to adapt. It mi...

More / Etherum Reddit - 2 years ago

Question on Decentralized Domains

In order for a user to access a decentralized domain through Google Chrome do they need to add an extension to the browser to access web 3.0 sites? submitted by /u/phillupadoublecup [link] [comments]

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

“Don’t buy the dip”

(This was my post 110 days ago which never got approved) Dip is 10-20% down. Don't buy it. When it happens, Redditors will jump on you screaming BUY THE DIP directly to your ear. Don't buy it. You're calm, your mind is clear, you aren'...