
More / Etherum Reddit - 2 years ago

Gas fees and failed NFT transactions.

So a few months ago I decided to attempt to post an nft on opensea site. During the process the gas fees apparently changed and I’m still not entirely 100% on the mechanism, but quite a large chunk of cash was eaten up and the transaction never compl...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Algorand's biggest advantage? Their SDK's.

The barrier to entry for Algorand is streamlined for business and personal development. Anyone who knows a bit of code in JavaScript, Python, Java, or Go can attempt to build out their ideas. They have many tutorials, example programs that can be bui...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Daily Discussion - September 23, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on thi...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 2 years ago

What are the best arguments AGAINST Bitcoin?

Hi guys and gals, I'm planning to write a short(ish) essay to explain Bitcoin and the benefits it brings to the global population to my girlfriend and immediate family (and quite possibly publish it online somewhere as well if I deem the end prod...