All Cryptocurrencies

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

[SERIOUS] Average CTM (cost to mine) $8,389 per Bitcoin Previously there was concern regarding the significant increase in the average cost to mine a bitcoin once the halving occurred. The idea was that it would be over $90k pote...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

Downfall: Threat to crypto projects?

A recently announced vulnerability called Downfall is a potential threat to some crypto projects. “Even if you do not own any physical Intel-based devices, Intel’s server market share is more than 70%, so most likely, everyone on the internet is affe...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

It's been 1 year (+1 day) since Moons Mainnet launch!

(Trying again; I tried posting when moons topic posts where below top 50; modsplsbegentle) Y'know, I was curious about when exactly I first got my moons. They've been so good to me (especially as of late, thank you again kraken!) As a r...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

Daily General Discussion - August 11, 2023 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating. & Disclaimer: Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

Bitcoin ATMs, how common are they in your area?

Just curious as to how many are out there, I hear of them quite a lot but I don't think I've ever actually seen one around, although maybe I have and don't notice, I'm in the UK for reference And if you have a few near you, have you...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

Governance Tokens

I’m invested into a project that is having a governance token come out in a few months. I never really understood the point - as there is no revenue share, I’m not even sure what there would be any discussion on what to govern? I know these tokens...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

Will there ever be another bull run?

I often wonder if the value of all crypto will ever see another spectacular raise as it did in the past. It's been some time now since the last bull run and it seems as nothing is happening price wise for months now. Crypto did not crash like was...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

Who Will Be The Next Exchange To List Moons After Kraken?

About three days ago, Kraken finally listed our beloved Moons after a long wait and lots of teasers. The announcement caused the Moons price to jump up again, this time from $0.28 to $0.55 Are we headed for a new ATH? Maybe. What next? Will Kraken...