News about Ct

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 3 years ago

Less memes, more activism

It’s unacceptable for an exchange of this size to have so many issues. Thousands of users sitting in withdrawal limbo, locked out from trading, etc. The issues here need to be taken to the mainstream. Binance needs to be publicly shamed into getting...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

You’re telling me that this dude who claims to understand rocket science decided to accept Bitcoin for his billion dollar car company, and realised a few months later that Bitcoin has an adverse environmental impact ?

This giga chad - weed smoking - popstar banging - energy and rocket scientist - electric car maker - meme lord decided to accept Bitcoin as a payment which made a billion people jizz across the world whether they wanted to jizz that day or not. Now h...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Ergo $ERG: Some Actual DD

Some DD for those who forgot it existed on this sub. Ergo $ERG is a crypto that was created by one of the cofounders of, now called Chainlink. This isn’t a ghost chain. The coin already has implemented smart contracts, a more secu...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Would a transaction with 1 Gwei go through?

Ethgasstaion say that 43% of the last 200 blocks accepted transactions with only 1 Gwei fee. Many people say the gas prices are way too high but if transactions with 1 Gwei fee actually get processed in about 20 minutes, it’s not that bad. Am I missi...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 3 years ago treats us without respect!

3 days ago, I received a notification via email informing me that there was an attempt to log in to my binance account, I followed the security steps and I disabled my account, after 2 hours I tried to unlock the account and when I did do the authent...