News about Health

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 1 year ago

Stay healthy all

Less sugar, more fruit. Less soda, more water. Less driving, more walking. Less worry, more sleep. Less words, more action. Less fiat, more Bitcoin Hope you are well submitted by /u/xKusamaGaming [link] [comments]

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 1 year ago

btc and mental health

am I the only person who gets anxious during transfers? i am sending like five bucks worth but its like the ocd kicks in plus the anxiety cause if btc ever gets to a million this will be worth crazy amounts haha... but I am like f*** yeah monetary fr...

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

Bear markets are better for mental health and progress

In bull markets you tend to stare at your phone, and spend ample time anxiously looking at charts, forums, posts and articles, videos. Having a serious FOMO and tend to make mistakes.. In contrast the bear markets thrive for crypto development. Those...