News about Management

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 2 years ago

Edit addresses in Address Management

So binance recently added the address origin option on the Address Management, but I have several addresses already registreds that don't have the origin, so I'm trying to edit it but there is no way I can find to do so. Does anyone knows how...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 2 years ago

Tether has over $68bn under their management and just 13 employees. That's a record, the previous record holder was Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme with $50bn under management and 25 employees. Isn't this concerning given Tethers refusal to be audited?

Tether only has 13 listed employees on LinkedIn. Source There is just over $68bn Tether in existence, meaning Tether theoretically has $62bn under their control. Source That is over $3bn in assets per employee of Tether If that seems comically low it...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 2 years ago

Portafoglio management

I think binance should have a more sofisticated user interface to show your profits/loss for every coin you have, what’s your break even price, how much money did i put in in every single coin i have and all of this not just for every coin but in gen...