News about Not

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Guys it's not one tweet crashing the market

Yeah, Elon's tweet might have put some more stress onto Crypto. But look at the Graph. ​ Black is BTC, Red is S&P 500 The whole market is stressed right now and plummeting. Some might say it's still due to Elon, but if one me...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Why is Cardano not tanking...??

Is there any specific reason this crypto isn’t tanking with Bitcoin and ETH... idk why it’s not but it would be great to hear some feedback on this... I’m kinda just wondering why it’s not tanking with the rest of the cryptos submitted by ...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

Elon musk is just another elite hypocrite

So after buying 1.5 billion in btc now he says its damaging the environment. So what does his rockets run on? Grass? What does his 'electric' vehicles run on? Air? What does his factories use to produce cars? Hope? submitted by ...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Elon bullish about Crypto, not about POW.

Originally posted in CryptoCurrency, but removed coz not enough KARMA! So we all saw Elon's tweet today. He's a business man and he'll always have his own interests. That not that hard to understand. What he mainly said is: He thinks cry...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Elon Musk is not the issue, we are.

Here we are, a few days after Dogemania, Shibuhype and whatever shitcoin has been overshadowing useful coins in the cryptoshphere. And nothing has been learnt. The problem with cryptocurrency is not Elon Musk, it is us, it is the people who give pow...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 3 years ago not in Texas

I moved my EOS from Binance to only to find out that it cannot transact in Texas. I am unable to withdraw, sell or any action. Anyone have work around for non supported States. Thanks. submitted by /u/Mysterious-Pin-7558 [l...