News about Posts

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Ban price prediction posts already

I don’t care how “trustworthy” the source is, price predictions without any sort of technical analysis are just totally worthless speculation. Tbh solid news shouldn’t even include guesses on where the price will go. These type of posts add nothing t...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Next posts are "Did you buy the dip"?

Last weeks all posts were bearish, people sold in panic, sold the bottom, but you will experience how fast sentiment in crypto changes. I think next posts will be "did you buy the dip?" like they have always being right. Most people just wa...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Double, trippel and multiposts are very annoying!

This sub is getting almost impossibel to read if you sort by new. The same news article are being posted over and over and over again. And if the link can't be posted anymore because the automod detects the link as being a duplicate, then a text...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Repetitive posts

According to r/Cryptocurrency rules, "No repetitive content. The same content or type of content cannot be re-posted for one month. Moderators will remove duplicate news and warn the user. Repeat offenses can result in a 30-day ban." But o...