News about Smart Contract

More / Etherum Reddit - 4 months ago

Smart Contract when selling ENS NFT?

When I sell a Ethereum Name Service NFT, can I create a smart contract so that any transaction that occurs through/using the domain name I get a certain percentage of like 1-1.5%? submitted by /u/Prize_Win_5584 [link] [comments]

by COINS NEWS - 5 months ago

Smart contract effects

I have a question about smart contracts. Given that each node on the network runs the code attached to a contract independently, wouldn't the effect of the code be executed multiple times? For instance, if the code transfers coins from one addres...

More / Etherum Reddit - 5 months ago

Solve3 - Bot Protection for Smart Contracts

Happy weekend! From an idea born on a hackathon to the first version of Solve3 - a bot protection for smart contracts utilizing captchas. We're seeking for valuable feedback And since it's weekend and we all know how boredom can strike hard,...