News about Still

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 2 years ago

Binance still safe to use?

In the face of the regulatory checks, is Binance still safe to use? In terms of funding and leaving cash and crypto in it? Was planning to average down, but not sure to do or not. submitted by /u/calphak [link] [comments]

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

PSA: If you still have some unclaimed RedditCoins in your Reddit vault don't claim them or you are risking losing them. Possible glitch with the new Arbitrum network. I've just lost 631 of our favourite coins due to this glitch. [Reposting as the previous

OK, so first bit of a context. Reddit-M-o-o-n-Coins were just transferred from Rinkeby network to Arbitrum network yesterday. The official post says: "If you have coins in your Vault, you don’t need to do anything." it also said: &quo...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Do you still consider Ethereum an an Altcoin?

So in the last bull cycle with its peak in late 2017 there was Bitcoin and the Altcoins. Today many people are not calling Ethereum an Altcoin anymore as it established a very strong position as #2 and may stand near equal to bitcoin. However what si...