
Cryptocoins News / CoinJournal - 1 year ago

BUSD briefly falls to $0.20 on Binance

Binance USD (BUSD) temporarily plunged to $0.20 on Binance on Wednesday. The depeg against DAI happened after a single $647,000 sell order. BUSD quickly regained its $1 peg, with the Binance orderbook showing a $3.38 million aggregated sell order....

Cryptocoins News / CoinJournal - 1 year ago

How Web3 can change social media forever

If Karl Marx were around today, he would be forced to concede that social media is the opium of the people. The current internet generation is beholden to TikTok, YouTube, Snap, Insta et al: platforms that control their data, their identity, and thei...