All Cryptocurrencies

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Friendly Reminder - Pump and Dump discord servers are Cons

The con works like this, The ring leaders buy, then they tell the people that paid money to get the pump first (usually 30 Seconds in advance. Then they alert the rest of the server. At which point the ring leader dumps and its a big game of musical...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

The Cannabis Industry is RIPE for a blockchain.

I've seen talk here and there about how a Cannabis based Crypto Currency could be a huge boon. A Hash Coin, if you will. As a worker in the cannabis industry I wanted to shed some light on why this is a great idea and how useful a blockchain coul...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

I might be losing it

I might be losing my mind. I was literally talking to my portfolio, but not in a nice way. Scroll by see ADA I love you, you look like shit but I love you. Not like your worthless friend over here, looking at you ANKR. Get your shit together Matic yo...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

The Test Net does NOT work the same way as the Main Net

This post is with regards to certain posts I saw on this Sub, preaching why Moons aren't a crappy Token. I do agree Moons are great! However that post presents some fundamental Misinformation. The said post, states that Since the distribution of...