Etherum Reddit

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

How can I buy things with an ethereum wallet?

I just want to use my ethereum to buy things like I do with a regular credit/debit card. Can I do this with anything (micro-transactions in games, general goods, online shopping like Amazon)? submitted by /u/al3x_7788 [link] [co...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Did kittieFight die?

So I am looking for places where I can lend my ETH, and kittiefight caught my eye, but it seems no matches are active and the last match that was held is on Oct 2020, is it dead? submitted by /u/Shillofnoone [link] [comments]

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

That feeling

So everytime I send sats to my hardware wallet I get a felling of excitement. I pulled another 0.001 btc out of anyone else grasp. It does not matter if it's 500 sats or 500,000 sats. Been doing it for years and the felling is the same. I think...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Why not (also) use hash for an NFT?

Hello! So i was wondering why most people when using the ERC721 standard use a link to the media that they want to create an NFT of. Wouldnt it be much safer to (at least also) include a hash of the media that it is linking it to? That way there is a...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

ETH 2.0 Staking - Binance

Hello people! While I have some spare time, I've used it to setup staking and some other stuff. I'm using mostly Binance for this and I am looking to stake my Ethereum. I can't redeem my Ethereum until ETH 2.0 Phase One which is estimated...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Smart Contracts on Ethereum

<p>Smart contracts are programs that run on their own and can be executed on a blockchain. These contracts are intended to automate the execution of contractual agreements, and their application cases are rapidly expanding. </p><p>T...