News about Nym

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

Why aren’t hard forks as common anymore?

In the early days of crypto, I was happily surprised when I received my first lump sum of “free money” in the form of BCH when Bitcoin did a hard fork. It seemed like several other projects also went through something similar when friends of mine ke...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 9 months ago

How do you keep your coins anonymous?

I have a single large wallet. I don't want to buy stuff and have people know how many coins I have. Is the solution to divide the coins up into smaller wallets? submitted by /u/BicoinMillionaire [link] [comments]

by COINS NEWS - 10 months ago

Medium and small Bitcoin miners are at risk: “It is not profitable anymore” — The constant increase in Bitcoin mining difficulty raises questions about the profitability of the business. I talked with some miners for insights regarding the activity.

\This report was originally posted in Portuguese-BR at* Portal do Bitcoin (written by myself). Medium and small Bitcoin miners are at risk: “It is not profitable anymore” The constant increase in Bitcoin mining difficulty raises questions about...

by COINS NEWS - 10 months ago

19 States accused JP Morgan on closing accounts on religious or political beliefs. This is exactly why anonymity and privacy is so important in crypto as a future of finance and potential TradFi and banking replacement/improvement, as well as the signific

19 states have come out accusing JP Morgan of of closing accounts and discriminating against customers due to their political or religious beliefs. A letter to JP Morgan said "the bank had canceled major organizations' checking accounts and...

by COINS NEWS - 10 months ago

19 States accused JP Morgan on closing accounts on religious or political beliefs. This is exactly why anonymity and privacy is so important in crypto as a future of finance and potential TradFi and banking replacement/improvement, as well as the signific

19 states have come out accusing JP Morgan of of closing accounts and discriminating against customers due to their political or religious beliefs. A letter to JP Morgan said "the bank had canceled major organizations' checking accounts and...

by COINS NEWS - 10 months ago

19 States accused JP Morgan on closing accounts on religious or political beliefs. This is exactly why anonymity and privacy is so important in crypto as a future of finance and potential TradFi and banking replacement/improvement, as well as the signific

19 states have come out accusing JP Morgan of of closing accounts and discriminating against customers due to their political or religious beliefs. A letter to JP Morgan said "the bank had canceled major organizations' checking accounts and...